Saturday, June 8, 2013

English Curricula in Costa Rica

  The design of curriculum has been a big controversy especially when it is about English curricula.  A well-designed curriculum can make easier and more successful the English courses. People, especially English teachers, are blaming MEPs curricula because they are useless and unsuccessful. English teachers from public schools and high schools complain that it is impossible for them to teach how to speak the language, and they say that it is due to the MEP curricula.  To have a better thought about this problem, it is important to analyze how curricula can be fully executed in our learning/teaching environments at MEP schools, and analyze if it possible to better the quality of English in Costa Rica.

     It is important to know how a curriculum can be fully executed. First of all, a very important aspect that English teachers have to take into account is to analyze the learning style of their students. Teachers must analyze if most of their students are kinesthetic, visual or auditory learners. Knowing that, it is also important to adapt the curriculum according to students needs. Choosing the correct teaching method, according to their learning style, will help students to learn in a correct way and will help the teacher to have a successful class. On the other hand, having a competitive attitude is also important. Teachers have to be willing to keep learning and following all the objectives in the curriculum. Though sometimes is difficult, having a nice attitude during the class will make easier to follow all the curriculum objectives. It is also important to keep students motivated. As I said before, teachers have to adapt the curriculum according to students needs. Also, they have to keep a nice environment during the class. This will help students to feel comfortable and learn faster. Knowing these aspects will be easy for us as teachers to fully execute a curriculum.

      On the other hand, it is possible to better the quality of English in Cost Rica. Some of the problems of the low quality of English in our country are due to the low level of English that teachers have. This sometimes is due to the poor preparation that teachers had in Universities or most of all; it is due to the few hours that teachers spent studying the language. Also in my opinion, private and public universities would grade the level of English that teachers have when they finish the major. This will help them to notice whether they are well prepared or not. On the other hand, changing the MEP’s curricula will help to improve the quality of English in Costa Rica. The curricula should be focused on communication rather grammar and vocabulary. The classes should be more communicative since the development of speaking skills is the main purpose of learning a new language. Also, it is very important to motivate students by incorporating technology like audios, videos, internet and topics of their interest. Having these ideas in mind will help us to better the quality of English in Costa Rica.

    In conclusion, there are many aspects responsible of the low level of English in Costa Rica. Teachers often blame the MEP’s curricula, but there are other aspects to take into account. As I mentioned before, one of the main reasons is the low level of English that most of the teachers have. In my opinion, if we want to better the level of English in our country, the MEP must help and obligate teachers to have a C1 level of English. Other important aspect is to change MEP’s curricula and the teaching methods. The Curricula and teaching methods should be focused in the Communicative approach rather the Grammar-Translation method. Also, teachers should adapt their classes according to the learning style of their students. But we have to keep in mind that we are the ones who can make the change and create a new generation of English teachers. We are the ones who can make possible something that for others is impossible. 

Jose Mario Ruiz
ELT Student
Costa Rica